Benshaw Acquires Excel Industrial Electronics Inc.

Benshaw Acquires Excel Industrial Electronics

Excel Industrial Electronics, Inc.Benshaw Inc. has announced the acquisition of Excel Industrial Electronics Inc. (Excel). Excel, headquartered in Clinton Township, Michigan, is a recognized leader in drive systems and automation.

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Benshaw Motor Control Products Line Card

Motor Control Products Line Card

Benshaw offers an extensive range of motor control products serving a broad spectrum of industries and applications. Whether you need a basic, low voltage soft starter or a complex medium voltage motor control center or variable frequency drive system, Benshaw has a solution. And if a standard product doesn’t fit your requirements, our engineering team can help tailor a solution that does, no matter how complex or demanding the application.

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Advanced Controls and Drives Catalogs

Advanced Controls and Drives Catalogs

Benshaw is pleased to announce the release of three new advanced controls and drives catalogs. The catalogs, which are available for download from our online document library, feature standard and engineered products from our complete line of full voltage controls, low voltage solid state soft starters and low voltage variable frequency drives (VFDs):

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Eliminating Water Hammer

Water hammer is a term used to describe pressure surges within a piping system. There are a range of mechanisms and triggers for water hammer, and having a clear understanding of what is causing the phenomenon in a particular installation is key to identifying the right solution.

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Soft Starter App - Benshaw Pocket Technician

Soft Starter Troubleshooting

Benshaw Pocket Technician is a free soft starter troubleshooting app available from Benshaw for both iOS and Android devices. The new app retrieves data from Benshaw EMX4 Series Soft Starters to help users identify, analyze and resolve common motor starting issues rapidly.

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