This section of the Benshaw website lists recent news articles of interest to our customers and distributors.

White Paper

New White Paper

Benshaw’s state-of-the-art M2L (Modular Multi-Level) Medium Voltage Drive family differs radically from other multi-level systems in the market today. The drive consists of three independent components: A standard multi-pulse phase-shifting transformer, a standard multi-pulse diode-based rectifier, and a modular power-cell-based multi-level inverter. This modular system arrangement creates tremendous installation flexibility, greatly reduces arc flash energy and substantially improves reliability.

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New Motors and Drives eBook

eBookBenshaw partnered with Control Engineering to produce a Motors and Drives e-book that covers basic and practical topics related to motors and variable frequency drives. Featured articles include when to swap or upgrade a VFD, managing multi-vendor motion control architectures and more.

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Benshaw Applied Motor Controls

New Remote Monitoring System for MV Drives

The Problem

Unavailability of collected data and fault history, and the high cost associated with site visits.

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Benshaw Applied Motor Controls

Benshaw Completes Custom MV Lineup Installation

The Problem

Replacement of a GE Power Vac Motor Starting lineup, currently running and installed in an exciting power house. The project has a limited shutdown / start up period of 72 hours, which includes decommissioning, installation and start up services.

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Benshaw Applied Motor Controls

In the Limelight …

Look for Benshaw at the following shows, publications, and websites in the next two months! If you’re going to be at one of these shows, contact us to set up a meeting!

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